City Hall

Waverly is a city of the third class, with a Mayor-Council form of government.  We have a five member at-large city council and a mayor who are elected to four-year terms.  

The City Council meets the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall. Meetings are open to the public.


Location & Hours

City offices are located at 210 Pearson Avenue and open Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.

Call us at 785-733-2461.

City hall is closed on Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day.

Officials and Officers

Waverly Elected Officials
Jake Marsh, Mayor
Tammy White, President
Kevin McMillen, Councilmember
Nicole Rasmussen, Councilmember
Tanner Sipe, Councilmember
Nathan Steward, Councilmember

Waverly City Staff
Pattie Pfeifauf, City Clerk
Mary Collins, City Treasurer
Whitney Casement, City Attorney
Travis Vogts, Maintenance Supervisor
Mike Moloney, Maintenance II

Our Representatives
Kansas 2nd Congressional District – Jake LaTurner

State Senate, District 14 – Michael Fagg

Governor of Kansas – Laura Kelly

US House of Representatives, District #2 – Steve Watkins

US Senate – Roger Marshall & Jerry Moran


Waverly citywide siren system communicates during emergencies.
A steady, loud tone — Tornado or natural disaster.
A rising and falling tone with a warble — Fire.
A clear up-and-down tone — Attack.

City of Waverly • 210 Pearson Ave • PO Box 308
Waverly. KS 66871

Open Monday-Friday
9:00 am-3:00 pm

(785) 733-2461 •  (785) 733-2395 Fax
For after-hours emergencies call 785-733-2791.

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