Healthcare in Waverly provides superb service for all stages of life, from prenatal care to assisted living.

Under the robust Coffey Health System, everyone in Waverly has access to award-winning obstetrics and nursery, early childhood health services, physical and speech therapy, orthopedics, dietitians, cardiology, dermatology, ENT, gastroenterology, gynecology, oncology, orthotics, podiatry, urology, and more!

Part of Waverly’s great health offerings are its facilities for seniors. Our Senior Housing homes in the north part of town provides older adults an independent lifestyle with support and services when they need it. Sunset Manor, on the south end of town, provides full care, including 24-hour professional nursing care, off-site physical, occupational, and speech therapy, individualized activities, transportation for appointments, and more.

The Waverly Senior Center, in the heart of the city, is an active gathering place for just about anyone in town looking to play cards, chat with friends, enjoy meals, and simply have a warm time right in their hometown.


City of Waverly • 210 Pearson Ave • PO Box 308
Waverly. KS 66871

Open Monday-Friday
9:00 am-3:00 pm

(785) 733-2461 •  (785) 733-2395 Fax
For after-hours emergencies call 785-733-2791.

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An Equal Opportunity Employer and Provider.