
Waverly is a wonderful place to be a homeowner. Use the realty resources below to find homes and lots for sale in Waverly. The County’s Housing Authority is a great resource, too, especially for people who want to explore home rehabilitation, development incentives, rental guides, and income-based housing options.



Waverly has a mix of beautiful homes. From fresh, modern developments to ornate, cozy historic homes, exploring the options are a joy in itself. Whether you wish to own your home or rent one, Waverly is the place for you!

City of Waverly • 210 Pearson Ave • PO Box 308
Waverly. KS 66871

Open Monday-Friday
9:00 am-3:00 pm


(785) 733-2461 •  (785) 733-2395 Fax
For after-hours emergencies call 785-733-2791.

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An Equal Opportunity Employer and Provider.